Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Tomorrow will be a week since I last run.  It is so frustrating.  Just when I was starting off a new training plan and I was finished with week 2 of Kayla Itsines BBG, I go and hurt myself.

My ankle is feeling a little better, it still gets swollen as the day goes on.  Luckily I am not working right now so full rest is able to happen.  It only really hurts when I am sleeping and manage to tweak it some way.  I am thinking of giving myself full rest, and possible not running for another full week. But I haven't done anything for this time, a couple of very slow walks with the dog, but that is it.  Even if I am off my foot until the end of January/start of February I will still have two full months of training time - I can definitely run a half - and hopefully still get in under 2 hours.

The good news is that my husband has realized how crazy I get when I don't run.  He told me I should of had an injury sooner, then he would have been much more supportive with my running.  (But he is completely supportive, and even rides his bike with me when I have gone on 18 mile runs)

I've had plenty of time to google.  That's been the biggest problem.  Now I am doubting my training plan (Sorry, Hal!).  I'm sure my plan is fine, but I see so many good workouts, for spadework, tempo runs, hill repeats, that I want to do them all, but I can't see how to fit them in to my plan.  That leaves me with the question, do I skip the plan and focus on training how I want.  Or do I keep the plan for this time and see how my results are at the first half marathon, then make adjustments?  The dilemmas!

I think my goal is to focus on how I can work out my core and upper body without any pressure to my foot.  I don't think I even want to attempt a plank, maybe reliable old crunches.

Time to go and put my foot up and keep googling.

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