Wednesday, December 31, 2014

First run of the year!

This year has started off successfully!

I'm still on east-coast time, so I woke at 5:30am to get in a run.   Since December had been an extremely low mileage month I was happy to get out there!  I went a little faster than I should have, tomorrow I will go slow!
My splits:
Mile 1 9:04
Mile 2: 8:42
Mile 3: 8:33
Mile 4: 8:37
Mile 5: 8:58
Average pace: 8:47min/mile

It was tough, I haven't run in a while and there is a huge hill at the start and end of my run, as well as rolling hills.  Tomorrow I will take it easy and just see how I feel.

Then, a relaxing day at the beach.

New Year, New Goals

This is it.  A new year, and a huge goal.  I am putting it out there:  I want to qualify for Boston.  I want to run fast.  I know I have a long journey ahead of me, this will not be easy.  I plan on enjoying it.  I want to run all kinds of races.  I want to see myself improve. I am hoping this blog will help keep me motivated to do so.

My goals:
To get fitter and stronger.  I plan on starting Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide.  I did a few weeks of her guide before I had to go travelling last year, and saw small results. I can't wait to start again, and finish!
Kayla Itsines

To get faster.  Obviously a must if I plan to qualify for Boston someday.  I want to run smart.  I want to run slow when I am meant to, and fast when I need to.

Treat this blog as my training log.  I want to put my runs in here: what I am doing, how I feel, what I can change.  I hope to look back, and see how I have gone from a 9-10 minute/mile pace, to hopefully qualifying for Boston.

I am excited.  December was an easy month for me, so I plan on running easy for the next few days to get my legs into it.  My first official training day will be Monday.  The first race on my list will be the Hapalua Half Marathon.  I am hoping to PR, it will be hard work - It is Hawaii, so there will be hills and humidity to contend with.  Luckily I live there, so no excuses!

Let's do this!